Maintaining Hygiene While Receiving Takeaway Foods in Restaurants – A Clinical Discussion

The dreaded COVID 19 virus has triggered a worldwide pandemic, forcing almost every country all over the world to lockdowns and putting their economies at peril. It’s almost 4 months since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Novel CoronaVirus outbreak a global pandemic and the dreaded virus is still claiming lives in thousands all over the world almost daily, and scientists and doctors are fighting a seemingly impregnable battle against the virus. 

Amid this mayhem, countries all over the world are relaxing lockdown (albeit putting restrictions in force) in a desperate attempt to set the ball of their stalled economy rolling yet again. Under such circumstances,  restaurants, the ones that have just resumed their businesses as well as the ones that have been operating in some parts of the world, are putting an enormous emphasis on hygiene. 

We at Uthong Thai Restaurant have been doing the same, both when it comes to sitting and dining as well as in case of take away foods in Mornington as in any other place of the world. 

Here on this page, we discuss some of the MUST TAKE steps when it comes to dealing with take-away foods.

Indeed, during pandemics like the current one, your primary objective should be to mitigate the risks that are associated with interacting with people. 

Practice Social Distancing

When you come down to our restaurant for ordering your favourite dish, avoid coming close to the counter for placing the order. If you had booked for the dish online or over the phone maintain the social distancing at the time of delivery of the food. 

Mind the packaging – dispose of it

The experts are of the opinion, there is a risk of being infected by the virus when you come in contact with a surface that is contaminated by the virus. And the virus stays active on steel surfaces for up to 72 hours. Hence, you never know whether the packaging has come in contact with such a surface or not. 

That is why it is best if you get rid of the packaging as soon as you get back to your home with the food from the food restaurant in Mornington. Dispose of it in a proper secluded place and wash your hands straight away. It is also a good practice to discard the container in which the food came, for you do not know about the other side of the container’s surface.

Do not forget to wash hands 

Yes!! After you have taken the food container out of the package, transferred the food to a  different container, and disposed of the original container and the packaging, wash your hands thoroughly for 20 secs by using soap. 

Order directly from us

Last but not the least, order directly from us, visit Uthong Thai Restaurant in Mornington, and take away your favourite dish. The reason is simple. We maintain optimum hygiene in our kitchen during the preparation. When you take the food directly from us, this means there is minimal exposure of the foodstuff to infection. For further details, call us at 03 59750338

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